Summer Sight-Singing Seminar
Week Two-Daily Routine
Lesson Archive
1. Warm-up:
- Sing up and down the scale on solfege syllables. Try it with handsigns. (Your folder has both on the back cover.)
- Choose a pitch for do, then sing the tonic-establishing pattern-- d m s f r t, d s, d . Try each exercise with 2 or 3 different tonics, establishing the new do each time
- Sing the two exercises below. Memorize.
3rds by step
3rds by leap
2. Prepare the Steps to Harmony exercises 1 (d-m) and 2(r-f). Do a 3-part exercise each day. Be ready to sing them in class on Thursday.
Use the steps we've discussed before singing the melody.
3. Work on the drills at
4. Try the daily challenge. If you get stuck, let me know and I'll send a clue.
4. Try the daily challenge. If you get stuck, let me know and I'll send a clue.