Summer Sight-Singing Seminar
Week Five Daily Routine
1. Warm-up:
2. Do a 5-minute Sight-Singing session at
Set up the controls to suit your challenge level(the edge of the comfort zone). Here are examples of some middle-of-the-road settings. You'll be given a short melody. Use the process we've established, sing it, then play the recording to check your work. |
Lesson Archive
- Starting on do, sing up to each scale tone, always coming back to do in between. Then try it coming down from high do (as below). Work toward accuracy and fluency.
- Using the same pattern, slow it down and name the interval between each pitch as you sing them---d-r, that's a 2nd, d-m, that's a 3rd...
3. Work on the drills at
4. Try the daily challenge. If you get stuck, let me know and I'll send a clue.
4. Try the daily challenge. If you get stuck, let me know and I'll send a clue.